My Story
From a young age Emily has been keen on learning about the people around her. She found various forms media to be particularly unique windows into the lives of others. Anime (stay with us) was a particularly influential media on her in her formative years. It was her love of anime that became a gateway for her to learn about media from other countries, and it fueled her desire to see and experience foreign countries with her own two eyes. She traveled to Japan in 2008, when she was only 13, with her mother and a couple of family friends, and it was that trip that really opened her eyes to the realities of the world. To the knowledge that there are so many people in the world with a wealth of experiences that differ from her own. It was then that she understood the importance of understanding empathy and that the experiences of others are vastly different, but equally as valid to her own. It was that understanding that led her and she journeyed through adolescence and into young adulthood, and shaped her into the person she is today. It instilled in her the desire to continue learning and understanding about the experiences of the people around her, and ultimately brought her to UX/UI Design.
With the exceptions of the four years she spent at University in Santa Barbara, and a few forays into living, studying, and working abroad in Japan, Emily has lived in Southern California for the majority of her life. She loves the diversity, the food, the perfect weather and of course the easy access to things like the beach and Disneyland, but she's always on the lookout for new experiences. She loves to travel, and is always looking for more travel opportunities, but the recent pandemic had her adapting to new plans. As a result, she has recently rediscovered her love of reading, and is currently traveling to new worlds, and meeting new characters and learning about other people through the stories they tell.
In her free time Emily can be found raving about all her favorite diverse reads on her book-centric instagram account. When she's not reading, raving, or curating her instagram feed, she can be found taking photos of her three adorable cats, or baking some kind of delectable treat. (...But, she's probably somewhere with her nose in a book.)